Tim Passmore, our PCC |
Cuts that have been made to funding of the Police Service in recent times have had an obvious and damaging effect, Time was when Parish Councils recieved the assurance of a visit from their local PCSO at parish council meetings, for example, but this is no longer the case. I understand that these very valuable officers only now work during the daytime. There also seems to have been an exponential increase in house burglaries in rural areas, and many routine road traffic offences such as speeding and HGV weight restrictions are rarely enforced.
Our Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore, is asking for public support in his attempt to obtain a fairer funding deal for Suffolk from central Government, and there is just 3 days to take action.
I set out his e mail to all interested parties below. Do take action if you can!
Tim writes:-
As your Police and Crime
Commissioner it’s my job to ensure you as a Suffolk taxpayer gets the very best
value for money for policing in the county. At the moment I don’t believe we
get a reasonable share of funding so I am launching this campaign to get public
support to make a case to Government for a fairer settlement.
I welcome a fundamental review of the funding formula by the
Policing Minister, Brandon Lewis, as it provides me with this opportunity to
lobby for a formula which is readily understandable, transparent and provides a
fairer funding settlement for Suffolk.
But I need your help, I’d like you, to go to www.suffolk-pcc.gov.uk
to read my assessment and, if you agree, to show your support by emailing fairshareforsuffolk@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
Friday 20th January . Any additional comments that anyone wishes to
make can be added to this email. I will use these public responses
as evidence to lobby the Minister for a fairer deal for Suffolk.
I think Suffolk should
get a more equitable settlement, which reflects the challenges the county
faces. Whilst I recognise that fairness should take account of specific
factors that will be common across all policing areas, I think the rural nature
of Suffolk should be given proper weighting and the challenge of policing
individual communities over a large geographic expanse should be considered
when levels of funding are agreed.
Suffolk is home to one
of the largest container ports in Europe, has a coast line of over 60 miles, we
have five military establishments including two American airbases, the county
is home to a nuclear power station and the A14 is a major route of national
importance – my concern is that the Government does not recognise the
significance of these crucial strategic national assets and the impact it has
on our police service.
If we compare ourselves
to one of our closest neighbours, we would receive around £3m more Home Office
grant funding every year if it was funded to the same level as Norfolk (using
unweighted population as the basis of the calculation). This is just not
fair; £3million is a huge disparity between two quite similar counties.
Suffolk has a reputation
of being a very prosperous county, and while there some very affluent areas,
over 83,000 people in the county live in income deprivation at the most minimal
standard provided by welfare benefits, that’s over 10% of the
population. The recently published ‘Hidden
Needs’ research makes pretty sober reading; the first report was written
five years ago and sadly deprivation levels have increased right across the
county since then. Sadly, where there are higher levels of economic and social
deprivation, communities suffer from increased levels of crime, anti-social
behaviour, addiction and abuse, which provides resourcing challenges for the
Constabulary which are not considered in the current formula.
Kind regards
Tim Passmore
Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner
Police Headquarters
Martlesham Heath
Tel: 01473 613614
Mob: 07725 085604