The most interesting thing about today’s revised consultation document published by the Boundary Committee on unitary options for Suffolk is the increased prominence given to the One Suffolk model. This is now promoted to a full option, rather than simply being described as an alternative which ‘had merit’.
My take on this is that One Suffolk is likely to emerge as the favoured approach, particularly now that the Rural Suffolk unitary’s 'green and pleasant' raison d’etre has been somewhat undermined by the inclusion of Lowestoft! (The town’s marina is pictured above. Built in 2003 the yacht club interestingly houses the Royal Suffolk AND Norfolk Yacht Club! Perhaps that's why the Committee thought it wouldn't matter if they shoe horned the town into Norfolk!)
Otherwise much remains the same, although the previously very sketchy comments on community engagement at a lower level are now more clearly worked through. It does beg the question as to how much these additional arrangements will cost compared to the status quo. I can’t believe that these local arrangements will be cost free, particularly if they are actually responsible for some service delivery.
The future remains very uncertain for Babergh and it is still a distinct possibility that none of this will actually happen. I have mixed feelings about this. One thing is certain however and that is that Babergh will now run its full four year term in some form or other.