This week at Babergh has been particularly ‘green’. In addition to the ‘Switch it off’ campaign at the Council Offices in Hadleigh, on Wednesday evening there was a seminar entitled Climate Change. How will we respond in Babergh?
A Group of Councillors and officers sat down in Polstead Village Hall to watch Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and there were then presentations, both from Babergh officers and also from local organisations who, in the absence of serious initiatives from central government, are trying to make a difference from the bottom up. There was then time for discussion during which it became clear that not everyone is yet completely convinced about the need for behaviour to change.
However, the evening was very interesting, and I am hoping to investigate some of the local initiatives further in the weeks to come. One of the most fascinating developments is the burgeoning green movement in the
The Al Gore film made some good points, but I have to confess that I was most affected by the part that showed very clearly how ghastly it must have been to have been cheated out of becoming President of the
And talking about the