Before Christmas a number of people in Little Waldingfield got in touch with me because of proposals by EDF to re-position an electricity sub-station on the small green adjacent to Croft Lea on the main street of the village. The site is pictured above.
The Parish Council, along with a number of villagers, have reservations about this and I have to say that I share their concerns. It doesn’t seem appropriate to clutter this pleasant green space, right in the centre of the village and on the main road, with what is effectively industrial equipment.
The land in question is actually owned by Babergh, and I am currently in correspondence with the relevant officers. EDF have to some extent sweetened the pill by saying that since the substation will be fed underground it will be possible to remove the overhead lines that cross the street at this point. This will to some extent improve the appearance of this part of the village, but is this a sufficient trade off?
The rules that govern this proposal are different to those related to planning permission for housing development etc. and I am currently ascertaining who actually makes the decision and what right of appeal is available to objectors.