At yesterday evening’s Parish Council in Acton councillors expressed the view that the Village Walkabout, was held in the village last Thursday morning, had been a useful exercise.
Those who were out and about might have seen a troop of us marching round the village with representatives of the local police and Babergh District Council on a clear and sunny morning last week. The general idea was to have a look at problem areas in the village with a view to taking rapid action to resolve any outstanding issues.
On the whole Acton came out very well, looking spick and span and graffiti free in the November sunshine. However, discarded crisp packets were quite ubiquitous, and there was a trail of detritus across the playing field and leading round the back of the village hall. It was good to see that the dog bin in Coblers Way has been moved at last, and a Babergh community warden was on hand to remove a television that had been discarded in the bottom of a hedge in Jennens Way.
The vexed question of parking at the school was considered. This is a problem in many places as anyone who has gone past All Saints Middle School or Great Waldingfield School at around 3 pm will know. However, it seems that the no parking chevrons do extend too far, so it may be possible to create a little more legal parking space in Lambert Drive.
While we were walking round, Chris Moss, the Chairman of the Parish Council, was able to try out a speedwatch camera in the High Street. It seems that his luminous yellow jacket was something of a giveaway, since the fastest motorist clocked was only travelling at 37 mph! The Parish is joining up with other villages locally to purchase their own speed recording device which it is hoped will act as a deterrent to those who persist in racing along in 30 mph areas.
It is hoped to repeat the walkabout exercise on a regular basis.