Despite some muddle over the date, place and time, the last Babergh West Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting of the year, which took place yesterday in Lavenham, was quite well attended. Representatives from both Acton and Great Waldingfield Parish Councils were there.
These monthly meetings are very much still ‘work in progress’, but I am happy to say that a workable format is now gradually taking shape. The object of the exercise is to prioritise areas of local concern through dialogue between the community, officers from Babergh, the police, and other agencies. All members of the public are welcome to attend and have their say if they wish. Some 36 parishes are included in the Babergh West scheme.
The meeting yesterday heard that in response to public concern, the officers and PCSO’s have been very active in the area with their speed guns and several fixed penalty notices have been issued. Most of the people involved came from outside the immediate area. One individual, who was travelling at 57 mph in a 30 mph area, has received a court summons.
Representatives from Long Melford expressed their satisfaction that anti social behaviour in the village has declined dramatically since officers and PCSO’s have been making regular patrols in the evenings. Problems in Glemsford continue however and the area remains a priority. Recently the army visited the village to engage with young people and give them something other than vandalism to think about!
Several members of the public and representatives of Lavenham Parish Council were present, and a further priority is to look into incidents of anti-social behaviour in the village.
An unusual issue has arisen in and around Leavenheath, where there has been some rather gruesome evidence of deer poaching. One of the PCSO priorities this month is to gather evidence from farmers and local residents in the area in order to combat this cruel and dangerous practice.
PCSO Siobhan Hemmett is continuing to patrol the roads around Great Waldingfield School at dropping off and picking up time to try to encourage responsible parking etc. The police are to contact the school to see if there is some way to reduce the congestion that takes place at these times of the day.
The next meeting will be at Lavenham Village Hall at 11 a.m. on January 21st.