It was good to see our PCSO, Siobhan, at the Acton Parish Council meeting on Monday, along with quite a few members of the public, which always enlivens things!
The news is that the community speed camera has now arrived and training will begin shortly. The camera is being shared by a number of parishes in the area. I am going to have to redouble my efforts to watch my speed around the Ward now! I DO try hard, but sometimes I get a bit distracted and edge up over 30 m.p.h.
The most staggering fact to emerge from the meeting is that it would cost an enormous £209,000.00 to create a footpath between Acton and Great Waldingfield, so it isn’t likely to happen anytime soon. Such a path is, it seemed, considered a pretty low priority by the County Council....number 190 out of 230 potential improvement schemes.
Mrs Christine Johnson, the Clerk to the Council who has been in post for longer than she cares to remember will be retiring later this year (although I will believe it when I see it), and her replacement was at the meeting. She will start training for the role, which is more difficult and onerous than it looks, in April.
I was asked to request a site inspection in respect of a planning application for a proposed development just behind Bob’s Stores at 6, High Street, so look out for a gaggle of councillors wandering around one Wednesday morning soon!
It was disappointing to hear that, despite conditions being put in place which should have prevented it, specimen trees were removed from a building site in the village within hours of the contractors' arrival. I am writing to the Chief Planning Officer about this and will let you know what he replies!