Having all received training and clearance, the first group of volunteers from Acton, Great and Little Waldingfield, went out with the speedwatch camera a day or so ago. I understand that a good time was had by all.
The reception from most passing motorists was friendly, and only one person travelling in excess of 37 mph was reported to the police. This is a good result since the aim is to deter high speed, not to punish it.
It seems however that one resident is less than happy about the project. Having driven past at an extremely slow speed in his 4 by 4, he returned a few minutes later on a bicycle, cycling as fast as he could go ( although it is not clear whether he was breaking the speed limit!) This would have passed unnoticed I suspect had he been wearing any clothing at the time. Is ‘streaking for the right to speed’ going to catch on I wonder?
If you would like to participate by becoming a volunteer to support the speedwatch campaign please contact your parish council. I understand that clothes are recommended, but not obligatory.