A report from Andy Sheppard:
Little Waldingfield History Society was
most pleased to welcome Jo Caruth, a senior project officer from the Bury St
Edmunds archaeology field team, to the Parish Room on April 10th for the last
formal talk of our first year as a society, and what a successful first year
its been!
Jo entertained us with many anecdotes and
behind the scenes stories associated with the making of a TV archaeology
programme, both from the air and on the ground, which was where her particular
expertise came in handy – we will never look at such a programme again without
recalling them and her!
the title implies, Time Flyers took a fresh and original perspective on some of
the most famous and important archeological sites of Britain to reveal
Britain's history from above. Using aerial archaelogy combined with dig
excavations on the ground, the Time Flyers team of three archeologists
investigated many mysteries that had baffled researchers for decades.
Sites can often be seen better from the air. |
many readers will know, even where there are no longer any physical remains,
outlines of what was once there can often be seen through crop marks and scars
on the landscape, often changing throughout the year as weather conditions
change through the seasons.
unique aerial perspective from a helicopter is combined with a dig site on the
ground, and with important and large-scale sites chosen, there was always much
that was interesting. Most importantly, at the heart of each programme was a
historical mystery that the Time Flyers team set out to solve, from the
extraordinary Neolithic monuments around Stonehenge to the Roman Empire's very
first frontier (in Scotland); from Offa's Dyke on the Welsh borders to a
medieval village in Somerset that was finished off by the Black Death.
on the wild mountains, coasts and moorlands is a rich history, visible not just
in the buildings but in the shape of the landscape itself. From prehistoric
monuments to the vast modern motorways which sweep across the land, Britain is
marked indelibly by the works of man. Nowhere is this better seen than from the
air, and nowhere better heard than from the lips from one who was there in
Everyone had a fantastic evening hearing
some of the more humorous ways of aerial archeologists, including what they got
up to off air, and we now look forward to a couple of outings we are putting on
for members:
- 14th
May An afternoon visit to
Little Hall in Lavenham, which should be fascinating; &
- 18th
June An afternoon visit to
Guestingthorpe Roman Villa, to include viewing an ancient barn full of
farming memorabilia; I am really looking forward to this.
Our next talk is on September 13th,
kicking off our second season. We are absolutely delighted to invite Pip Wright
back again, to talk on “For the rest of your natural
life”, which will tell the stories of Suffolk convicts transported to Australia
between1787 and 1867.
Pip enthralled us all earlier in the year with
his talk on “Suffolk Witches in and around Suffolk”, and this topic is sure to
be equally captivating, as Pip is such a great story teller. I hope to see many
friends in the evening at the LW Parish Room (7.30), both old and new.